R+ Dog Training - Siberian Husky running

Senior Service

Teach your old dog new tricks

R+ Dog Training can prove that you can teach your old dog new tricks!

Got a golden oldie?

Is your dog showing signs of ageing?

Want to give your dog the best life possible in the twilight years?

Recent research has proved that dogs – and people – benefit from learning new things at all ages and especially as they get older.

It’s never too late to learn

It’s common for owners to say that their dog is “too old” to be trained or to worry that their dog may not be able to cope with training in later years. We now know that human and dog brains retain a large amount of “plasticity” enabling learning to continue throughout life. Learning new things is essential to survival and being able to adapt to constant changes. It also helps brains to stay healthy.

We all want our dogs to live as long as possible but some decline in ability is inevitable as ageing takes its toll. It may be that your dog is less active or less agile but still has the drive that was there in puppyhood. Satisfying the need to keep going in a safe way will ensure that your dog remains fulfilled even if walks are shorter. Training something new is fun for you too and cements that life-long bond that you have established.

The R+ Dog Training Senior Service Course tailors training to suit bodies that may be less agile and brains that may learn a little more slowly. Whether you’re providing stimulation for a retired sports dog or keeping your beloved companion happy in the later years, an R+ Dog Training Senior Course is ideal.

Sign up now and teach your old dog new tricks.

The minimum course is 6 hourly sessions and costs £600, or book 12 or more sessions in advance and save up to £360

Contact R+ Dog Training now to pep up your golden oldie

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