R+ Dog Training - Siberian Husky running

Banish dread of picnics with a Peaceful Picnic workshop

Banish dread of picnics with a Peaceful Picnic workshop

Do you dread the summer when picnickers seem to be everywhere you walk?

Is your dog confined to the lead because of scavenging?

Dogs are natural scavengers and some seem to live to eat rather than eat to live. The sight of a picnic rug and basket, or even someone sitting eating a sandwich on a park bench can act like a magnet for many dogs and can cause at best an embarrassing exchange and at worst an angry one – and maybe even a visit to the vet if your dog gets hold of something harmful.

It doesn’t have to be like this.

Why not enjoy picnics and your dog walk? This will help with general scavenging too. Even the most food-orientated of dogs can be trained to keep away from people when they are eating and to behave with impeccable manners at your own picnic. You won’t need to avoid picnickers, keep your dog on lead or use a muzzle any more.  You too can banish dread of picnics and stop worrying that your dog might eat something damaging. Just book a Peaceful Picnic Workshop and keep practising the techniques until your dog understands what is wanted. You can always book additional help if one workshop is not enough.

The R+ Dog Training Peaceful Picnic Workshop is a one-off fun session in a local park where you can learn the techniques that you need to wean your dog away from other peoples’ food and enjoy summer walks again with your dog off lead.

A private, one-to-one workshop costs £150 for one adult handler and dog.

A group workshop costs £60 for one adult handler and dog.

Additional adult observers may attend at a reduced rate of £50 per person.

Contact R+ Dog Training now to confirm your place and look forward to an idyllic summer (weather not guaranteed!)

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